Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Seeking your inner superhero

Have you ever thought about what you would change if you were truly a superhero?  

Yesterday evening I saw the following on Twitter from Streetlights94:
If I had gotten my way and become Wonder Woman I would have been able to prevent bad hair today, stop the oil spill, and conquered idiocy.
I loved this tweet.  It got me thinking about what I would do if I could get my way and be my own superhero.  Here are the first 5 things that occurred to me:
  1. It would never occur to people to drink bottled water except in the case of emergencies.  In fact, bottled water would stay in the superhero supply warehouse until said emergencies.  
  2. Vending machines would dispense string cheese.  And Baby Bell cheese.  
  3. You know those "health" indicators in video games?  We would all have one floating above our heads letting the innocent people around us know if we were hungry, grumpy or having a less-than-smart day.  In return, we would get a little understanding, a little space and maybe a little snack.
  4. Workplaces would have pets, like office mascots.  Maybe in every department.    
  5. Women's magazines would not market to self-doubt or perceived weaknesses, and they would not benchmark us against each other.
Now it's your turn.  Picture yourself in a cape, kick-ass boots, tights if it works for you and a cool superhero mask.  Off the top of your head, what 5 things would be different about the world?  I challenge you to use your imagination!


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