Monday, June 28, 2010

Change is in the air...

Last week I wrote about the little identity crisis going on with this blog.  I've decided to split the content and do some renovation.

I'm going to continue posting insights and observations about life, relationships and the general human condition here at Sweeping Up The Moments.  The blog will remain at this location for now, but a move is in the works.  Blogger has been a good temporary home, but it's kind of like renting a room in someone else's house: you get the urge to paint and change it up, and eventually you get tired of your name being listed care/of those who own the digs.  In other words, Sweeping Up The Moments is getting its own house, complete with new furnishings and housewarming parties (you're all invited, by the way).

My business-related content will be moved to a blog under The Lewicki Agency, my professional site that will come online soon. The Lewicki Agency house was all ready to go but before the power was switched on, I decided to do some last-minute demolition and reconstruction.  It's going to be a blast over there, and I encourage you all to stop by and get a goodie bag during the grand opening.

So, in summary, stay tuned and remember you're invited to a housewarming and a grand opening.  Make sure to wear your party shoes!


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